The Oral Health Consequences of Eating Disorders

According to the National Eating Disorder Association, 38.8 million people in America will be affected by an eating disorder in their lifetime. This is an incredibly high statistic, it means that you or someone you know is likely to be affected by an eating disorder. Many health concerns come from an eating disorder, and oral health concerns are often overlooked. Three major dental health concerns directly linked to eating disorders are :

  1. Acid Erosion
  2. Dehydration
  3. Bruxism

Acid Erosion:

Acid Erosion comes from the acid created within the stomach and excretes through vomit. When someone is vomiting regularly this acid can cause tooth sensitivity, an increase in enamel erosion, tooth discoloration, and even tooth chipping! The best way to reverse the effect of acid erosion is to maintain healthy dental practices and visit your dentist, they will be able to identify early signs of acid erosion and create a treatment plan.


Many eating disorders also cause dehydration in the mouth, and dry mouth makes it difficult for people to eat, drink, and swallow. Dehydration can also cause the following:

  • Mouth sores
  • Dry and cracked lips

All of which is creating more discomfort and pain! Hydrating and working on treating the eating disorder will help reverse the effects of dehydration and dry mouth.

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding):

Bruxism also known as teeth grinding can increase and intensify when someone is dealing with an eating disorder. The stress on your mind and your body can cause you to grind your teeth, which causes headaches, jaw pain, and even tooth fractures. Stop teeth grinding by focusing on relaxation treatments, and get fitted for a mouth guard with your dentist.

Eating disorders are detrimental to physical, and mental health, and always cause oral health concerns. It is most important to seek treatment for your eating disorder and visit your doctor for regular cleanings. If you need help identifying your oral health concerns and creating a treatment plan, reach out to our team at Mav Dentistry!

About The Author: Christina Romano

Christina is an avid reader and writer who finds inspiration in the great outdoors. With a passion for lifelong learning, she delights in discovering something new daily.


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